Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Seems simple to me!

Clearly blogging is not my thing, but here's an update for the blog!

Little Miss Rayla is an amazing ray of sunshine! I couldn't have asked for an easier little kid. Actually, she's convinced me that I should never have another child, because she's the most perfect child in the world and I couldn't possibly be this lucky twice.

That's not true. I really don't feel that anything about our family is “special”. Dan and I are just normal people with normal jobs. Our house is a mess, our cars always are late for their oil changes and we stress about our mortgage payments, just like everyone else. Rayla is just a typical 3 year old from an Eastern European orphanage. She has significant delays in her development, which she would not have had she been born here.

Back to my point. I look at my baby girl and see perfection! I love everything about her. I see all the things she can do and all the potential she has. I actually have to think really hard to come up with a list of negatives, because I just don't see them. What's my point... my point is that she's my kid and everyone feels this way about their own kids. We are not unique.

Most people I know, outside of the international adoption family, think we did something “special.” Nope, nothing special here. I'm uncomfortable with the “wow, you have big hearts,” or “you are doing gods work,” or “that's amazing, I could never do that” comments. I think most people in this “family” are, and that's why we tend to stick together, because we don't have to endure living on the pedestal.
Quite frankly, inside the IA family, we are down right boring. We are a married couple with 1 child, who only has DS, no other major health issues, who came out of a “baby house” with only minimal malnutrition and neglect. On the spectrum of adoptions, we are the least impressive!

So let me sum this up... we are normal boring people, who did nothing special, and as a result, we are the proudest parents ever of the most perfect baby girl in the world!
My question is... why doesn't everybody do this??? If every normal boring family just adopted 1 kid, there wouldn't be any more amazing babies dying in orphanages. Every family would then have the most perfect child in the world in their very own home! Seems simple to me! :)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Official Travel Dates!

Official Travel Dates!!  19 days before we leave!!  Eeekkkk!

The official email came this morning.  It said to buy plane tickets for April 25th to May 5th!

That means that 1 month from this very morning, we will be waking up in our home, for this 1st day of the rest of our lives, as a family!

Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions:

Yes, it has taken a long time - we started last January 2014 - about 15 months ago.
Yes, you would think that it would happen faster..... but it doesn't!
Yes, we have to be over there for 10 days to complete her physical exam, TB test, and embassy interview.  That's just how it works.
No, we were not over there on March 24th, when the judge granted the adoption.  That was just the team of lawyers from the agency.
Yes, I think we have everything we need, for now.
No, I don't know what size clothes she's going to wear.
No, she doesn't walk yet.
No, she doesn't speak English, but she doesn't speak Bulgarian either, so I think we'll be ok!
Yes, you will all get to meet the munchkin at some point soon!  We are thinking about having a "welcome home" party around the end of June.

Aside from the chaos of being a mom for the first time, I am also in the midst of my busy season with work.  All the horses need their spring vaccines between mid-April and mid-June.  If you don't hear from me, please assume that I appreciate your call, and I will try to call you back before July! :)

Thank you for all being as excited as we are!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Exactly 1 year ago today (1/15/14), I sent this email to the director of Reece's Rainbow:

"OK, I had a big heart-to-heart with my husband again, and he said "let's go for it". So.... Deep breath, this is scary....What is the next step towards committing to Eden?
We live in Massachusetts. I have no idea where to begin!
-  Kerri

What a year it's been!  :)

Status Update:

Tomorrow is the Article 5 hearing (on our behalf) at the Embassy in Sofia.